Sometimes the scariest things aren’t zombies and ghosts. For a marketer, the scariest things can be when social profiles aren’t linked or when an update knocks a site offline. Luckily, we’re used to these scary situations, which is why we’re professionals.

We asked team members to share their scariest situations as marketing professionals for a little fun during this spooky season. For some, it’s ghastly when edits are sent one by one instead of all at once, and soul-crushing when someone isn’t willing to try something new. Our web team said it is a nightmare when they don’t get enough caffeine. No matter what scary situation arises, we love our jobs and we love our clients, so we’ll happily tolerate these terrors. 😉

While we get them some coffee, check out the latest issue of OMG! PMG! to see what else our team has been up to.

read the latest omg! pmg!

Oh, another scary thing: When you forget to share your previous newsletter. Our bad. PMG junkies can find August’s issue here.